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If you are interested in getting involved in our next community service event,

please click here for more information.

Belle Isle Cleanup.png

We are happy to share with you an exciting volunteering opportunity that will allow you to experience and contribute to a pivotal landmark in Detroit — Belle Isle!


Short Event History

Since the 1970s, volunteers have been the pulse of the island's annual Spring Cleanup event. In 2019 alone, volunteers removed 1,276 pounds of disposable plastic and other littered items from the canals and lakes of Belle Isle and the Detroit River, preventing it from making its way forward, further polluting our Great Lakes.


Through this event and the ongoing #KeepBelleIsleBeautiful anti-littering campaign, our goal is to further contribute to making great impacts at both the local level, by reducing litter from Belle Isle, as well as the regional level, by being an active contributor to the umbrella, global campaign to keep our waters free of plastic pollution.




  • Belle Isle is gem of its' own

  • Many other organizations across Michigan will be there working on the same initiative, at the same time

  • Outdoors

  • Can bring kayaks or another water vessel (not required)

  • Connect with your fellow ATLAS volunteer network

  • ATLAS T-Shirt




Where: Belle Isle, Michigan

Date: 3rd Saturday of every month

Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30PM (3 hours)

Meet up spot: Belle Isle Aquarium

  • Bags & gloves will be provided

  • Individuals who can bring their own kayaks are encouraged to do so. Please email me if you have a kayak or another water vessel that you can bring to the clean up

  • Our cleanup will follow all CDC recommendations that allow us to remain safe



To complete the registration process, each volunteer planning on attending is required to submit the volunteer waiver found here: 


*Note: make sure you include ATLAS FOUNDATION under Group/Organization name*

Once completed, please email with the subject line 'COMPLETED WAIVER'.


We are looking forward to fighting for a clean environment with you! 

Belle Isle Conservancy

Under the coordination of Belle Isle Conservancy and the Detroit River Coalition,

the Keep Belle Isle Beautiful (KBIB) is a campaign to educate about the impact of harmful debris in our park and waterways.


KBIB inspires park users to protect our precious natural resources, leading to healthier, litter-free parks and neighborhoods throughout Detroit and the Great Lakes region. Together we strive to make an impact at the local level, by reducing litter on Belle Isle – as well as the regional level, by being an active contributor to the umbrella, global campaign to keep our waterways free of plastic pollution.

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